The Full Circle Initiative was an initiative for the 10th anniversary of the event to highlight participants that have used contacts from WCFA and Illinois Agri-Women to find jobs in agriculture! Please see their stories below.

Without networking at WCFA conference I would not have the career I have today.
Empowering young women and encouraging them to pursue and diversify careers in agriculture.
Don’t miss out! Surrounding yourself and networking with women who have the same interests, and career paths you wish to pursue is one of the biggest blessings I was able to experience as a collegiate WCFA participant.
WCFA encourages individuality in whatever career path you may choose, but at the same time gives you the networking tool of a variety of women in the industry.
The WCFA conference opens doors for young women to see the unique career opportunities in the Ag industry—examples that may spark some interests otherwise not recognized.
Keep an open mind when you look towards your future—you never know who you’ll meet or what you’ll experience that may have a huge impact on your career. Sometimes the best career advice comes from an opportunity that shows you what you don’t want to do and leads you towards something you never considered before. Try to learn something from everyone you meet and don’t ever be afraid to ask questions—everyone around you is willing to help.
The connections I made at WCFA in high school and college have been so valuable to my career and continue to do so now as a young professional. WCFA provides me with mentors and friends that I can always call on when I have a question or just want to chat. The professional network I have built from WCFA has extended beyond just the conference walls and I’m thankful for their support!
Go into WCFA with an open mind and visit with a professional in a career you would have never pictured yourself in. Engaging with them may open up a new door and a new passion!
An article in Agrinews featuring Haley Pfaffe and Kelsey Litchfield:
The greatest strength of the WCFA conference is the passion and love from the people that set up, attend, and speak at the event. You can feel the excitement and empowerment, and it inspires people like myself to forge ahead with their interests in agriculture.
I would tell someone interested in WCFA to definitely attend the conference. It is a phenomenal way to make connections not only with fellow women in agriculture, but also companies and colleges that will be vital down the road.
My biggest takeaway from the conference was that there are more women invested and involved with agriculture than what we assume or can picture. As a high school student, I was unsure of my path, but attending this conference helped fortify my decision to enroll in the Agriculture Accounting program at the University of Illinois, and I now am an accountant at John Deere.
As an ag teacher, Women Changing the Face of Ag impacted my life and career path hugely. When I first attended WCFA as a junior in high school I was unsure of the career that I wanted to pursue. However, when I spoke with industry leaders at the opportunity fair, I was able to narrow in on a college of my choice and find my career in Agricultural Education.
I believe the greatest strength of the WCFA conference is its ability to bring together strong women in agriculture who will then in turn build the next generation of female agriculturalists.
Definitely go! Women Changing the Face of Ag is a really fun and educational program that will definitely benefit anyone who attends. The biggest takeway I had from WCFA was the connections that I made. Through all the WCFA programs that I have attended I spoke with fellow female FFA members, industry leaders, college representatives, sisters in agriculture of Sigma Alpha, and so many others that have continued to impact my life.