Scholarship Recipients

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Helen Henert

Agricultural Education Scholarship

Mallory Ames

Mallory Ames of Saint Joseph, Illinois will be a senior at the University of Illinois this year finishing her degree in Education.

Ames states “Passion can only carry an educator so far before burnout from the imbalance of teaching and non-teaching commitments overwhelm. Teachers are underpaid and operating with limited resources. I believe we were created for connection. Educators need opportunities to connect with students and coworkers and feel appreciated by the community”.

WCFA Scholarships

The Women Changing the Face of Agriculture (WCFA) conference, a project of the Illinois Agri-Women, takes place each spring to encourage young women to interact with women in agriculture, learn more about careers in the industry, and network with agricultural leaders from across the country. 

This year, three WCFA Agent of Change $1,000 scholarships are awarded to college students who aspire to make a difference through their careers in the agricultural industry in science, technology, engineering and math. The 2022 recipients are as follows:

Claire Geiger

Claire Geiger, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville is the daughter of Steve “Jake” and Dena Geiger from Highland, Illinois will also receive $1000. She completed 4 years at U of I – Parkland Pathways Student receiving her Bachelors of Science – Agricultural Science Education with a Biology certification / Minor: Crop Sciences. Geiger then moved on to accept a position as an FFA advisor which included: 4 years teaching at Nokomis as an Ag teacher and 4 years teaching at Highland as an Ag teacher and FFA advisor. Simultaneously teaching the past 2 years while taking night classes gaining a Masters degree at SIUE in Environmental Sciences – Education Concentration.

meg Simmons

Meg Simmons, Western Illinois University, Macomb is another recipient of a $1000 scholarship. Her parents are Jeremiah and Amy Simmons, hailing from Macomb, Illinois. Simmon’s future career plans are to study at Western Illinois University, major in Ag Business with minors in marketing and art & design.

Emma Kuhns

Emma Kuhns, University of Illinois, Champaign will also receive a $1000 scholarship. Kuhns originates from Altamont, Illinois and is the daughter of Stan & Shelly Kuhns. Kuhns’s course study is Agriculture and Consumer Economics with an accompanying Pre Law tract.

Haley Bode

Haley Bode, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale will receive a $1000 scholarship. She is the daughter of Tim and Laura Bode out of Waterloo, Illinois. While she graduated in 2022, Bode took an educational gap year for the 2022-2023 school year to serve as the Illinois Association FFA State Secretary. After her year of service to the FFA, she will be attending Southern Illinois University-Carbondale as a freshman. Bode’s plan is to double major in agricultural education and crop/soil production management in hopes of becoming an agriculture educator and FFA advisor.